Monday, August 29, 2005


In the comments of "The Games People Play:"

Your blog is great Collectables of interest - dog figurine I hope you enjoy dog figurine

8/28/2005 10:29 PM

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8/28/2005 10:33 PM

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8/28/2005 10:38 PM

So it's official, I have arrived. For my humble blog, has been spammed. Really thought it would have taken a little longer than this.

Does anyone out-there know how to deal with this infection? Are my comments forever tainted with this scourge?

Since few of my readers have ever commented, I’m tempted to disable comments all together.

So I call to you dear reader, in this time of indecision. Tell me what should I do. Should I stand and fight the spammers? Or should I avoid their relentless pursuits all-together?

So go pour yourself some coffee, drop a line about this, or about anything. Are there topics you like? Are there others you would like me to ramble about? Which topics were not worth your time?

I have no idea what my demographic is/wants/does.

Help me help you.

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Games People Play

"But I just have to go to college." "This isn't Russia, is it? No, no its not Russia Danny."  Posted by Picasa

This last weekend was the big year end golf tournament at the club. It was a golf binge. For three days men competed in teams of two (one member, one guest) to claim the “Founder’s Cup.”

Every year I have a great time caddying in the event. Unlike the usual weekend loop, you really become part of the team. (I know that sounds lame, bear with me.) Because you have the same two players for all three days you have more of a vested interest in the outcome. (There is a financial incentive as well.)

It’s cathartic because you get beyond the usual small talk. I spent about 20 hours with two successful people: trading questions, telling stories, and reciting jokes. They forced me to think about my life’s path, and more importantly they gave me advice. Not in a distant, shallow way, nor in a paternalistic or intrusive manor. They got to know me, and then gave an honest assessment. It is reassuring to get an unbiased perspective once in a while.

There is also a certain amount of voyeurism in seeing how these egos and personas interact. There is the Judge Smails character: The founding member of the club. He has scolded caddies for using a member’s first name, he told me to stop looking for golf balls and selling them to members because I was “stealing club property,” he is generally the punch-line of the club.

There is a Ty Webb double: Young, rich, doesn’t work much, but, surprisingly he still gets it. He spent the weekend getting drunk and sneaking caddies beers.

And no Caddyshack analogy should be attempted without mentioning the lovely Lacy Underall: A member’s daughter, a complete princess, running around in a tennis skirt. You could tell that some of the other members felt conflicted about her. They knew she looked good, but they couldn’t help but be reminded of their own daughters her age. The dirty old men leered.

During the awards ceremony/banquet there were trophy wives on display, their new “work” obvious. All the women sported dark Hepburn-esque circular sunglasses, which perfectly complemented their Burburry and Coach bags. The men varied from GQ to buttoned-up and dorky, more fell into the latter category.

It was an interesting weekend to say the least. We did well, but did not take home the gold. All in all, not a bad way to pay for books.

"I was born to love you. I was born to lick your face. I was born to rub you... but you were born to rub me first." Ty Webb  Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 26, 2005

No Matter How Bad...

I always like to remind myself that thing could be worse.

Worker Killed After Falling Into Vat of Molten Lead"

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Mr. PW Posted by Picasa

Just a quick note to wish my friend Mr. PW a great b-day.

DMB's 3-Step Program

Could I Have Been A Magnet For Money? Posted by Picasa

Once again the Onion has it right on. [Dave Matthews Not That Into Himself Anymore"} Every Dave Matthews Band fan has the same story. I can’t even begin to count the number of people who have gone through the same three step DMB program. Even those of you who have never really considered yourself a ‘Dave fan’ can think of at least one person you know, who has gone through the three steps.

Step #1: “I love Dave Matthews.” In your mind Dave is the greatest musician ever. You don’t care what anyone says; DMB is bigger than the Beatles. There will never be another band that will move you the way that the Dave Matthews Band does. You listen to Dave non-stop. You spend all the money you don’t have on a road trip to see Dave in Chicago. You wear a Dave T-shirt. Basically, you’re a younger version of a Parrothead, Deadhead, or Fishhead… a “Davehead.” (Usual time in life: college)

Step #2: “Dave is alright.” You have lost some of your original zeal, but you still count yourself among the faithful. Dave still makes his way into your regular play-list from time to time. You stop talking abut the lyrics… and how they shed meaning on life’s great questions. Non-Dave-loving friends start liking to hang out with you again. There is the occasional show, but the posters have come down. (Usual time in life: age 22-25)

Step #3: “Dave… ehh” You buy Dave’s new CD “Live at Pepperdine IV” You realize that you just spent $15.99 on a CD full of the same songs that you spent $158.45 buying the first time. Then the Dave Matthews Band becomes a ‘spokes’-band’ for the NFL; and you realize that all those lyrics about saving the world are bullsh*t. You accept the fact that nothing is forever, and come to appreciate and know the true nature of Dave: A pretty good musician, (one of many)who sold-out. (Usual time in life: age 25-29)

Such a shame really… I thought DMB was going to be “the one.”

Sweet Sugar Pusher

Ding, Ding, Dong, Ring-a-ding-ding dong. Posted by Picasa

Yesterday I did something I haven’t done since I was about ten. My friend Joe and I were just finishing-up our delicious take-out meals in his South Minneapolis condo. We were settling into our seats to watch Monday Night Football when we heard those unmistakable chimes. The Ice Cream Man commeth.

Now I have an extremely overactive sweet tooth, and there is nothing I like more than a little something sweet after a meal. I looked at Joe and ran for the door. I felt like I was twelve. Only this time I had the means to buy my own ice cream, I didn’t have to beg my parents for the needed dollar.

It was great; a drumstick set the world right for me. Behold… the power of ice cream.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Do You Feel Lucky?

The Anglo-sexton-centric version.  Posted by Picasa

On the cusp of my 3rd year of law school, I’ve had a lot on my mind. Trying to figure out what I want to do, where I want to do it, and how should I go about doing it. I’ve tried to remember advice from past mentors and put any wisdom I’ve accumulated in 26+ years of life to use.

But the most intimidating part of a future as a lawyer? People will be looking to me for answers. On a basic level, lawyers are nothing more than professional problem solvers. Lawyers are expected to have it all together, provide competent counseling, and deliver people from their most difficult problems. But who am I? Do I have all the answers? Yeah right.

I can’t even keep my own life in order sometimes. A late bill here or forgotten phone calls there provide evidence of my fallibility. Sometimes I wonder how I’ve managed to even get this far. Maybe it was luck seasoned with some hard work… but definitely mostly luck.

I know there really isn’t any need to worry about all of it too much. I’m sure everything will end-up fine. I trust my abilities. And at least I’m not going to be a doctor.

There will be mistakes and setbacks, just as there will surely be moments of joy and success. No matter where I may go… there will be a ying to my yang. Enemies will attack and friends will aid me during my life’s pursuit. So I'll do what I can: spin the wheel, and face life’s next move.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

"Blue Moon?"

To Play or Not To Play, That is the Question.  Posted by Picasa

So Randy Moss smokes marijuana. Who would’a thunk it? During an interview with Bryant Gumble on HBO, Randy Moss confessed to ‘dancing with Mary Jane’ “every blue moon.” This is not surprising to any Vikings fan. We’ve all seen Randy’s song and dance, and we know the routine well. Most people forget that he was caught with “his friend’s” weed before.

I hope that Raider’s fans are ready for the ‘Randy Experience.’ It’s a ride that hits the highest highs (no pun intended), and will inevitably hit some low lows. I mean, can an L.A.P.D. chauffeured ride to the clink be far behind? I can’t almost see it now:

Sometime around week ten, about the time that the Raider’s D is exposed for the sham it is, Randy is going to be unhappy. This unhappiness leads to typical offensive behavior and/or taunting of some sort. Joe Sunday, L.A.P.D. officer, is a huge KC Chiefs fan. Joe Sunday has recently relocated to L.A. to become a cop.
Randy is speeding as he drives past Officer Sunday on a beautifully sunny fall day. He looks up through the sunroof of his Hummer, and wouldn’t you know it but it happens to be a ‘blue moon.’ A little of California’s finest will make his day complete.
Sunday sees the purple Hummer wiz by. He pulls him over and immediately realizes who it is when he runs the plates. Officer Sunday heard about the admission, is still sore from the tough loss to the Raiders (37 to 35), and is especially peeved with Mr. Moss. Payback is a bitch.

Monday, August 15, 2005

My TC Top Ten

Just Another Day In Paradise  Posted by Picasa

Because the happenings of this world are boring me right now, I will submit for your approval/ridicule/debate my list of the top ten places in and around the twin cities to spend four hours.

1. First Avenue Nightclub: Night-in and night-out this place embodies the lost soul of the music industry. As you walk through the doors, you are transported back to a time when club managers considered more than how much money a band makes the club that night, when bands poured their hearts out to the audience, and when bands said nice things about a club because they actually liked it. Come as you are easy-going scene, stiff drinks, and great music... my idea of nirvana.

2. Minneapolis Farmer’s Market: While four hours may be overdoing it a bit here, it would not be that hard to spend two or three on a nice Sunday morning. The sights of bright fruit and flowers, the smells of numerous fresh-baked homemade breads and sweets, and the fantastic people watching all combine to make a day at the farmer’s market good for the mind and the body.

3. Lake Calhoun: So you are stuck in a little apartment, without air conditioning? No problem. Go join the people in the know, soaking-up the sun, reading, running, biking, and dog-walking down by one of the most famous lakes in the state. Just be careful to stay-away from the sketchy guys that hang-out next to their motorcycles, or you may get stuck listening to a proud owner recite the specs of his new exhaust system.

4. Midway Stadium: Baseball the way it was meant to be played... outside. We Minnesotans do not suffer through nine months of winter just so we can be sucked into the ‘human habitrail’ (a.k.a the Metrodome) for a ball game. Bonus points: Midway is a great concert venue as well.

5. The Bluffs of St. Paul: Wide paved paths can be found all along the Mississippi river. But the best views of the river are found near the St. Paul downtown skyline. Watch barges move up and down the mighty Mississip, or if your lucky maybe you’ll catch a bald eagle soaring above.

6. Columbia Golf Course: Well designed (if not always well maintained) Columbia offers a great overall golfing experience. Beginners and more experienced players alike will appreciate the interesting layout, numerous water hazards, and abundant wildlife. And as it should be, unlike most private courses, there are no houses on the course.

7. Nye’s, Jitters, and the Times: This three-headed monster of bars in Northeast Minneapolis caters to the 24-35 year-old crowd. You can lounge at Nye’s, dance at The Times, and get a little rowdy at Jitters. They are all fine places to in and of themselves, but just in case “this place is dead anyway,” you can always move-on to the next.

8. University of Minnesota (East Bank): There is so much to do in and around the East Bank of the U of M, that even most college students are busy. The Oak Street Theater is a hidden gem, the Village Wok is a great date spot, the silvery Weisman Art Museum, and who couldn’t use a little more time at the Rec Center. I can’t forget to mention Sally’s and Stub & Herb’s - two U of M institutions.

9. Lake Johanna: Located in New Brighton this decently sized lake was nearly empty a couple of weekends ago on a beautiful day. It is amazing how close Lake Johanna is to the city and yet how far North you feel.

10. St. Anthony Main: The best spot that nobody knows about. On a nice summer night grab your special someone, and stake-out a spot along the mighty Mississippi. There are a variety of establishments ranging from high-class (Vics / Jazzmines) to causal (Tugs). The river, the sunset, and the sky-line combine to produce an amazing panorama of sights.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

A Man And A Plaid

Hey cutie, wan'na do some pig rass'lin later? Posted by Picasa

Sweet Unsingable CD

Holding steady at my current #1 Posted by Picasa

If you haven’t yet had the chance… check out Mike Doughty’s new CD Haughty Melodic. It has been in my car’s CD player for about a month and a half. It keeps getting better the more I listen to it. It sounds like happy.

So what have you been listening to lately?

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

The House That Filth Destroyed

Every 10 Year Old Boy's Dream  Posted by Picasa

Today I got to see one of St. Paul's most notorious garbage houses reduced to rubble. (If you do some digging with Google you can find newspaper articles about it. OR... See "The House I Will Never Forget" April 19, 2005 - in the archives)

Watching the backhoe operator move the mighty machine with grace and skill was a sight to behold. Deftly swinging, gripping, and lifting with the arm, the operator made quick work of the former two story home. The lot was completely flat, except for the front steps, in about two hours.

Maybe I read too much Calvin and Hobbes as a kid, but I took some sort of sadistic pleasure in the demolition. How I wish I could have taken-over the controls and terrorized a neighborhood or two. It sure would have been fun while it lasted... *sigh.*

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Guess Where

Today I had a very strange language exchange with someone... can you guess where?

Lady: "What will you be doing today?"

Me: "I'll just take a number two all over."

Monday, August 01, 2005

Devil's Food

MMMmmm Devil's Food Posted by Picasa

This evening I caught the season finally of “Hell’s Kitchen.” I’d never seen even a single minute of an episode until tonight. But I was instantly sucked in by the “reality” of being a top chef. This got me thinking…

- I may have stumbled across a fantastic short-cut to cultural literacy. By only watching the final episode of the decent reality shows, I will save myself about 20 hours per show. And yet, because of the tendency to bring back other contestants, I will be able to discuss the goofs, egos, and abilities of most the characters with other reality TV geeks.

- Hell’s Kitchen must have been a huge hit with the service industry demographic.

- During the finally FOX was running promos for a new show called “Kitchen Confidential.” The producers from “Sex and the City” created it: one part beautiful people, one part kitchen. All served in the cinema verite style of “The Office” meets “Taxi.” Looks like Chef is the new Lawyer in TV land.

- Gordon Ramsay is one arrogant prick. I guess that comes with the territory when you’re a world class chef. But wouldn’t that arrogance and feeling of superiority keep you from making a “reality” show? The ego must be bigger than the pride.

- I’m glad Michael beat Ralph. Again, I had not seen a single minute before tonight so I had no favorite going in. Ralph was in your face and boisterous, while Michael worked hard and let his work do the talking. I could appreciate Michael’s approach more.

- Reality TV is everywhere. I would bet that there is a reality show on some channel at every minute of everyday. And if there isn’t, then it is only a mater of time. We are a nation of voyeurs.

- I need to cook more.

- Hell’s Kitchen in downtown Minneapolis is a great special occasion brunch spot. Dinner prices, but the Northwoods Porridge is uniquely perfect and the Lemon Ricotta Hotcakes with fruit are beyond description.

- I’m hungry.

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