In the comments of "The Games People Play:"
Your blog is great Collectables of interest - dog figurine I hope you enjoy dog figurine
8/28/2005 10:29 PM
Anonymous said...
Well done ! Liked the ideas. Have one about cheap wedding favors . No match to yours, but it'll have to do for now Wedding Favors. ---Jack---
8/28/2005 10:33 PM
Anonymous said...
This blog is awesome! If you get a chance you may want to visit this Free Downloads site, it's pretty awesome too!
8/28/2005 10:38 PM
So it's official, I have arrived. For my humble blog, has been spammed. Really thought it would have taken a little longer than this.
Does anyone out-there know how to deal with this infection? Are my comments forever tainted with this scourge?
Since few of my readers have ever commented, I’m tempted to disable comments all together.
So I call to you dear reader, in this time of indecision. Tell me what should I do. Should I stand and fight the spammers? Or should I avoid their relentless pursuits all-together?
So go pour yourself some coffee, drop a line about this, or about anything. Are there topics you like? Are there others you would like me to ramble about? Which topics were not worth your time?
I have no idea what my demographic is/wants/does.
Help me help you.
"Your blog is great Collectables of interest - dog figurine I hope you enjoy dog figurine "
What does that even mean? Should it be punctuated "Your blog is great! Collectables of interest - dog figurine. I hope you enjoy dog figurine." or does it mean that your blog is a great collectible of interest?
Moreover, who enjoys dog figurine?
I say keep them if you can edit the bad ones out. Dog figurine has a certain charm to it.
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