Sunday, May 28, 2006

Summer School

What can I say? Its nice out, bar review has begun, I’ve been caddying, and I’ve even managed to interview for an in-house position with a local company. Therefore, the MN Life has been sorely neglected.

After every year of law school I rewarded myself with at least a week or two away from the grind. I would maximize the amount of time I spent on a golf course, drink cocktails outdoors, and avoid reading anything heavier than a newspaper. The promise of an uber layed-back lifestyle, even though temporary, was the carrot that got me through the battle that was spring finals.

This time around, I was afraid that bar review classes would be too much too soon. Nobody wants to spend precious summer days listening to some unfamiliar professor drone-on giving you the legal version of Cliffs Notes. I had avoided any sort of summer school, and I had witnessed how even one summer undergraduate class would intrude upon my friends’ summer time fun.

I was worried BarBri would turn me into a crabby bastard. But, so far it hasn’t been too bad. Now, I’m not going to go as far as to say that it’s been enjoyable, but it isn’t terrible either. The professors are decent, I get to hang-out with friends, and three hours a day is manageable. Besides, there is little doubt that BarBri will increase my chances of passing the bar exam. And that is a comforting thought.

* Coming soon: Pictures of Mike and Tammi’s wedding celebration.


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