Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Where Does the Time Go?

I guess it has been a while since I’ve posted. … It’s not you, it’s me.

A. I did not plan my sixth semester schedule very well. I have two seminars, each require a 20 page research paper. Therefore, because I’ve been banging away on my keyboard like a trained monkey for the better part of the last two weeks, I haven’t had much of a desire to blog.

B. The weather has been perfect lately, the golf courses are open, and I’ve already managed to play 27 holes. That’s six less hours of free time available for blogging. (I like blogging, but I love golfing... even when I shoot 102)

C. I’ve been a little burned-out on blogging. It’s just a little general malaise, nothing serious. No one will be able to stop me once the “inspirado” gets flowing again. (Even if you wanted to)

+ One interesting news note: Church program won't care for woman who once was a man

I’ve been leery of faith-based social programs from the beginning, especially because Bush was a cheerleader. Now, don’t get me wrong, having the benefit of a parochial education myself, I understand the advantages of faith-based programs. A strong and genuine faith can inspire dedication, unselfishness, honor, and respect. It is easier to work hard toward a goal, if you believe there is a higher purpose or reward for your endeavors.


Unfortunately, the same faith that can inspire grace and altruism can also spawn hate and intolerance. It strikes me as intensely hypocritical for a religious organization to simultaneously conduct outreach missions and yet to turn away a needy individual solely because they have an outward condition that prevents them from hiding their “sin.” I wonder if Trinity Lutheran Church refused other vulnerable adults because they were liars, foul-mouthed punks, or chronic masturbators.

Unless a faith-based organization is willing to show all comers the same level of care and grace, stay-out of the social service industry. I heartily applaud the efforts of all those who offer care and patience, regardless of any patient’s perceived “worthiness.” They deserve our support and praise, but rarely get enough of either. It never ceases to amaze me how many “Christians” get hung-up on certain inane doctrinal details and fail to grasp Jesus’ overall message of love and acceptance.

I apologize for ranting about a touchy subject, but when I saw this story I knew it would bother me until I vented.

+ COMING SOON: Pictures from The Fighting Mondales – Fighting Eelpout showdown last Friday night.


At 4/11/2006 2:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WWJD? I think he would have assisted the less fortunate.

At 4/12/2006 10:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bring on the Fighting Mondale pics. I didn't even know you were at the game. We missed you at gamma afterwards...

At 4/13/2006 6:57 AM, Blogger Gopher-Goof said...

Other than the outcome, it was a great exhibition of hockey. Hell, there was even a fight. Good times.

Unfortunately, I had a previous engagement. And I didn't have my flip-cup 'A' game that evening.

At 4/13/2006 3:06 PM, Blogger samrocha said...

FYI: Sam Rocha is back in the blogosphere...


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