Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Living My Dream

I can still remember a couple of dreams I had as a child. (Considering the amount of brain cells I’ve killed over the last 8 years that’s no small feat.) One of them is too weird to even attempt to describe, the other…

I was always attracted to the crane toy machines. After begging my parents for a quarter, I would ply my skill. Often a friend and I would gang up on the tricky machines. One of us would operate the crane and judge the target’s x-axis; the other would stand on the side of the machine and judge the y-axis. Every so often I would pluck a prize, just often enough to keep me plugging quarters.

To this day I can distinctly remember a dream about having the ability to contort my body. And what did I do with my amazing super power? I climbed into every skill-crane in town, and took all the toys… MMMMuuuuu hahahahah.

I’m a huge dork, and I’m a little jealous of this kid.


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