Thursday, March 23, 2006

A Mixed Bag

There have been a few blog-worthy happenings lately. So I’ll throw them all together in a multi-topic post for your ridicule and/or enjoyment.

1. The whole man-scent fad has gotten out of control. Axe and Tag have bombarded TVs with their guerilla warfare advertising. (Our ads are sexier than yours, no our ads are the sexier, and on and on.) Amusing the first couple of times you see them, but after that... lame, lame, lame.

Tuesday night, during The Balln’ Mondale’s intramural basketball game, a frat-boys Axe-effect was outrageously strong. It was so bad that it gave me a headache. And to make maters worse, I must have contacted the human air freshener at some point during the game, because I could still smell the noxious odor on my way home from the gym.

Here’s to you Mr. Way-Too-Much-Cologne-Wearer

2. What Would Jesus Do? Boston Arch Dioceses suspends area adoption services in the face of Massachusetts state law that allows gays to adopt.

I’m not passing any judgment on the law itself, although those who know me can guess where I stand, but it does not seem very fair to place the burden of a political protest on the backs of children. This kind of reaction is exactly what the proverb “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” is all about.

3. The Sopranos is the greatest drama in the history of TV. (Settle down West Wing fans, WW is a close 2nd for sure. But network TV just can’t compete with HBO.) I know I will be captivated to the very end. And Amublar and I get to mooch HBO off our friends. Thank you Joe and Paula.

5. I’m going to take this opportunity to pat myself on the back. The MN Life has been going strong for an entire year now. While it may not always been all that entertaining, funny, or clever, it serves its purpose. It forces me to sit down every few days and write. And it allows me to: thank, praise, rant, ponder, pontificate, argue, advocate, mock, and think.

Thank you for spending some of your time to reading my blog.


At 3/23/2006 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, if anyone is qualified to know what is best for children, it is bound to be the Boston Archdiocese. I mean, look at the care, time and protection they gave to the pedophile priests that worked for them. If they put even 10% the effort into caring for children that they did into protecting the men who were molesting them - why, it is abudantly clear that the Catholic Church would be a stellar source of wisdom about caring for kids.

Also, The Sopranos is only your favourite show because you haven't seen Deadwood yet. Seriously.

At 3/23/2006 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and congratulations on one year!

At 3/23/2006 3:01 PM, Blogger 13Secrets said...

I like how you write. Though, I know I must sound like some kind of retard but what's a rube? And I honestly just this year, at Church of all places found out about green beer for St. Patricks Day... I have never heard of Answerology... Either way your site is pimp.

At 3/24/2006 1:20 PM, Blogger Jessica said...

I'd rather a man just smell freshly showered. Heavy colognes are yucky.


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