Thursday, February 23, 2006

UAE Ports: Comming to a Coastline Near You

A company from the United Arab Emirates is trying to buy operational rights to six U.S. ports. Important security questions have stirred-up controversy on both sides of the isle. Democratic and Republican congressmen alike have been frothing at the mouth at the idea of foreign control of our ports. And not just any ol’e country, but UAE, a country known for occasionally playing foot-sie with terrorists

Yesterday I was listening to Talk of the Nation, a merchant marine called in to comment on the topic. He said that he just got back from a shipping run to UAE and that the ports there are the best in the world. They were safe, efficient, and well-run all the way around. He also claimed to be a “Bush-basher,” but felt that a presidential veto would be completely justified to prevent any legislative attempt to block the sale. It’s hearsay at best, and who knows if this guy was being completely honest, but it was a unique perspective/argument.

This issue intrigues me for a couple of reasons. This issue forces the administration to show some of its cards. Homeland security was the most important Bush campaign issue. GW convinced the majority of Americans that he would make them “safer” than Kerry. No mater how you frame it, most Americans will see UAE’s pseudo-control of six ports as a threat to homeland security. I don’t care how much people want to believe him; Bush will not be able to sell this to the majority of Americans. If a deal-breaking bill ends up on his desk, Georgie’s going to have to spend some of his “political capital.”

Second, it has been about 4 years since I’ve agreed with Bush. And, as much as it pains me to say, I think he’s right. Now, he may be right for the wrong reasons but ownership and operations are completely different from security and protection. For the first time in a long while, common sense is on Bush’s side.

I just wish I could banish thoughts of Saudi princes holding Bush’s hand. The president has always been willing to buddy-up with oil-rich nations. So unfortunately, I do not think W is taking the moral high-ground. Feels more like back-scratching, but I’m reserving judgment.

True to form, most politicians and media outlets are over-reacting. Considering that this is an election year, not surprising. This issue creates a perfect opportunity for Republican legislators to create some distance between themselves and the President’s 40% approval rating.

A strange and potentially dangerous political issue for GW.


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