My Bumper Votes Democratic
Piss on You...
(Editors note: Ladies and Gentlemen, this is the first post for Am-bÜ-lar. (aka Amber) If this first post is any indication of her abilities, I hope she graces this space with a post now and then. Thanks cutie.
If anyone else has any burning rants, jokes, commentaries, hopes, dreams, etc., let me know. (Read: I’m lazy, and I know I’m not always that interesting…so help.)
Any way, with no further a-do…
Yesterday I spotted a “Perot 92” bumper sticker on the freeway, and it startled me out of my commuter daze and got me to thinking about how inane bumper stickers really are. Now, I’ve been amused by the occasional “Visualize Whirled Peas” (because I have such a super sophisticated sense of humor), or found myself nodding in agreement to a “If You’re Not Outraged, You’re Not Paying Attention” (because I’m a bleeding heart liberal, want to make something of it?). However, overall, I believe sticking statements on your ride is a bad idea in general.
For one thing, it totally dates you. No one may necessarily notice that your vehicle is approaching its 15th birthday, but if you’ve got a “Bush-Quayle” sticker on your fender, someone’s going to notice. You could attempt to remove the sticker but it’s really a matter of whether you’d rather have a bumper sticker or the unsightly, tell-tale residue of a bumper sticker, which is kind of white trash.
Another reason to avoid bumper stickers is that they don’t make people want to be your friend. I have no issues with people expressing their opinions openly, but when you advertise them with trite slogans, you generally just piss people off. I can be friends with someone who has different ideas and values than I do, but if all I know about a person is that their bumper sticker reads “Are You Following Jesus This Closely?” I’m going to draw unflattering conclusions about him.
The biggest reason I choose not to advertise my beliefs on my vehicle is that I do not want to be the victim of road rage. I don’t think that road rage is acceptable behavior, but I’ve been tempted more than once to rear-end someone who was sporting a big “W 04” on their pickup. I think the citizens of this nation are so ideologically divided and such impatient drivers, that the combination could be deadly.
Of course, if anyone can tell me where to find a “No Fear” decal or anything that features Calvin pissing, would you let me know?
I couldn't agree more!
Ask Morris
I haven't read anythinhg, but this site needs more Langino and less everything else.
I second the motion for more Langino.
Certain other blogs I know feature real, live video of the young pugilist.
Perhaps the Gopher Goof should get on the Langino bandwagon.
While I would love to honor the great Langino, I have yet to obtain the technological ability to capture the lean mean fighting machine.
Besides, how could one distill the essence of one as great as Langino into mere words?
Although I have absolutley NO idea what "LANGINO" is...I have to say that your blog is fasinating! And of course it couldnt hurt that your a Minnesotan and so am I...oh and, I also believe bumper sickers are for losers...unless it's that one that says "if you can read this your too close" I love that one and I get "close" just to annoy the extremely anal driver.
Anyway, thought Id drop you a hello over in Minnetonka, Minnesota! Your gettin a big ol' link over at my places...just cuz I think your brilliant.
Come say hi...although I write about complete girly stuff that well, probably wont interest you much...but I am adorable, if I say so myself, and dammit that just has to count for something! ~Shelli
Just started a blogger blog:
And have an AOL weblog for wayyy to long:
(both have same content)
I believe the stereotypes save time. So let the lame people keep sticking there I can read them. That way I don't have to focus on the idiot that just cut me off.
Go W! Go W!
Well, anonymous, if you mean, Go Away W, I'm right there with you.
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