Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Rush Limbaugh and Ken Lay: Who's Your God?

Sometimes, you stumble across a story that makes you grin-widely. You know that whatever higher-power you believe in must be working in a rational and even-handed manor. Whether or not you believe in karma as a religious doctrine, it makes a lot of sense. You reap what you sow.

No matter how much I pretend to be something I’m not, I cannot escape my actions. What I do and how I act reflect upon me as a person, much more than what I say. I could say I’m a Hindu, but if I wear crucifixes and eat hamburgers then I’m not being a very good Hindu, Christian, or hamburger-eater for that matter. I would only be an above average hypocrite.

I guess Ken Lay convinced himself that orchestrating one of the biggest scams of all time and being a Christian are not mutually exclusive activities. How deep was the self-delusion? How could Lay ever forgive himself for recklessly ruining so many lives? Now, I understand the ideas of forgiveness and atonement. But Mr. Lay forgot two important aspects: confession and repentance.

Obviously, I do not know where Mr. Lay will spend eternity. But I would have a hard time accepting any god who would let a scoundrel like Ken Lay into heaven. That would be an injustice of epic proportions.


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