Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Support Our Troops, Give Them Your Hummer *

Besides..., you can't afford the gas anyway.  Posted by Picasa

Dick Cheney, Tom DeLay, and President Bush; how many times in the last few months have we had to read/hear/see these ultra-rich white guys talk about the necessary sacrifices of war? Has one of their family members been told they can’t leave Iraq, even though their tour of duty is over? Were any of their family members missing from Christmas gatherings? Is one of their family members among the 1,700+ lives lost in Iraq? Have any of them had to alter their lives in any tangible way since the start of the war? Don’t you think their tune would be a little different if they had loved ones involved?


Has the average America become so disengaged from the rest of the world as to not see the irony in the pontifications of our current administration? On top of all the patriotic rhetoric about necessary sacrifice, those 'oh so necessary' tax cuts are about to be phased-in. You remember, the cuts that helped George W. win the White House again, the cuts that provided the average family a whopping $150 a year, the cuts that repeal taxes enacted in 1990 under then President George H.W. Bush. (Even George Sr. was able to swallow his pride and do the right thing, even after the “Read my lips... No new taxes” pledge.) George Sr. lead a bipartisan effort to reduce to the deficit, a laudable goal that the Republicans used to think was important.

Instead, the upper-class, who already have enough power and influence to protect their precious children from the ravages of war, will in fact get richer during this time of war. This is the first time in our Nation’s history that a major tax-cut has taken place during a time of declared war. Is the administration having its cake and eating it too? Sacrifice, in light of the rampant gluttony and materialism of today’s America... has lost almost all meaning.

All the while Americans die; and our government can’t bring itself to properly equip our soldiers’ hummers. Yet our Commander-in-Chief still thinks it is important to let the tax cuts go forward, or maybe he is too chicken to do the right thing. When criticized the best that this administration could come up with was: “You go to war with the army you have, not the army you wish you had."

Well, as an American citizen I guess I have to accept the ‘administration I have, not the administration I wish I had.’

* Credit were credit is due: Thanks to Carol for the title idea.


At 7/21/2005 12:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Damn straight.

I was just reading a piece in Newsweek talking about how London responded to well to the July 7 attacks. The authors point out that if the US wants to be prepared for terrorist attacks, we "need good education and training for transit workers and citizens, good communication mechanisms...and most important, a good public health infrastructure." Obviously we have invested little to no resources in these areas. But no worries, we have that Color-Coded Threat Level System to keep us safe.


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